How can I add or embed my address map in this theme?
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You just need to follow easy steps to add a map in the "Contact Us" page.
Steps to get your address map embed code from the google map and add into the Contact us page:
1. Copy your Address.
2. Go to google maps and paste your address on the search bar.
3. Click on the "Share" option.
4. Appear a share window, select "Embed a map "option. Your map embed code will be generated.
5. Click on "Copy HTML" and paste into your Customizer >> Contact Us Page >> Code For Map.
6. Click on Publish.
Steps to get your address map embed code from the google map and add into the Contact us page:
1. Copy your Address.
2. Go to google maps and paste your address on the search bar.
3. Click on the "Share" option.
4. Appear a share window, select "Embed a map "option. Your map embed code will be generated.
5. Click on "Copy HTML" and paste into your Customizer >> Contact Us Page >> Code For Map.
6. Click on Publish.